Monday 10 September 2012

Old TV shows better than pals: study

Want to restore some zest to your life? Ditch your friends and watch some re-runs of your favourite TV episodes, a study suggests.

A session moping in front of the TV is nothing to feel guilty about, according to a paper by the University of Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.

In fact, their research suggests it can be a good thing.

The study - published in the Journal Social Psychological and Personality Science - says watching a re-run of a favourite TV show revives our "emotional bank accounts" without any effort.

And the solace found in familiar worlds and characters may actually offer more of a restorative "fix" to our reserves of willpower and self control than an outing with friends.

"People have a limited pool of these valuable mental resources," Dr Jaye Derrick said.
TV re-runs may be a quick fix, while friends may simply add to the problem.

"There are a lot of benefits you can get from close relationships, but there are also a lot of problems," Dr Derrick said.

"You have to put up with someone elses needs, you have to get through fights, there are conflicts of interest. Fictional worlds can be a way of seeking connection to others without having all the strings attached.

"While you are are watching a favorite rerun , you are not exerting the mental energy required for self-control or willpower.

"At the same time, you are enjoying your interaction, with the TV shows characters, and this activity restores your (emotional) energy.

"And with a rerun, you already know whats going to happen and don't have to pay as much attention. You're just enjoying it, getting positive mood benefits, and feeling like youre there with comfortable people."

So why aren't couch potatoes the most motivated and self-controlled people in the world?
Perhaps they never had any reserves of these qualities in the first place.

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