Thursday 6 September 2012

News Ltd boss heralds new media laws as "draconian"

News Ltd CEO Kim Williams.

News Limited boss Kim Williams has blasted tougher media regulations ahead of Cabinet consideration of the issue expected in the next few weeks.

Mr Williams used a newspaper industry conference to reiterate his company's profound opposition to the central recommendations of the recent Finkelstein review of the print media; and to a new public interest test to regulate media mergers.

The News boss said a public interest test was a political test of media ownership allowing ''the very real possibility of politicians stopping people acquiring media assets just because they don't agree with them or even just don't like them''.

The Gillard Government has floated the concept of the public interest test, but it's not clear yet how the test would be administered and whether the Communications Minister Stephen Conroy will reserve powers to be the final decider.

Mr Williams argued the Finkelstein review was essentially anti-News Limited. Mr Williams suggested the inquiry, led by former Federal Court Justice Ray Finkelstein, was established because ''some political parties did not like some reporting - frankly mainly from some News Limited journalists and papers''.

Mr Williams said media outlets could face fines and gaol time under the ''draconian'' regulatory regime Mr Finkelstein proposed.

The Finkelstein print media review did not recommend fines, citing Constitutional difficulties. Media outlets could potentially be found in contempt of court for failing to issue a correction in serious cases.

Mr Williams said his company favoured the stronger industry self regulatory model now in place under the Australian Press Council.

''The stronger APC strikes the right balance between the public's ability to seek redress, and the media's independence and protection of free speech,'' Mr Williams said.

''And when it can't provide suitable redress, our citizens retain their extensive remedies under defamation law.''

News Limited is the dominant Australian print media player in the major metropolitan markets. Australia has one of the most concentrated media markets in the developed world.

But Mr Williams contended technology was delivering diversity. Regulation was not the answer.

Televisions, smart phones, computers and tablets delivered news and opinion from around the world; the market and technological innovation was delivering diversity ''in spades.''

''Australians don't need dangerous new laws to give them greater media diversity, they just need a mobile device, or a television or a laptop,'' he said.

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