Thursday 6 September 2012

Privacy advocates outraged at government data plan

Privacy advocates say a government proposal to keep all of Australia's internet and telephone information for two years would create a ''honey pot'' for hackers and criminals.

Victoria's Privacy Commissioner warned a joint parliamentary committee yesterday that civil rights and privacy would never have a chance if governments always put national security above all other rights.

Commissioner Anthony Bendall was speaking in Melbourne to a joint committee into proposed reforms to national security legislation.

Increasing the amount of data stored would increase the data's attractiveness to criminals, he added.

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has released a discussion paper that included proposals to make telcos retain all telephonic and internet data of all Australians for up to two years.

Andrew Pam, of online rights group Electronic Frontiers Australia, said communications data retained by the government could also be misused by staff who had access to it.

When quizzed by the committee on the technical aspects of setting up a data retention system, Mr Pam said internet users who wanted to avoid having their data harvested would be able to encrypt their communications. He said this would mean the government would end up collecting ''everything except the information that is of the most value''.

Labor senator John Faulkner asked whether storing data would not be worth it if it saved Australians from a catastrophic terrorist attack.

Macquarie Telecom, which serves government and business customers, told the committee there was not yet enough detail to know how much it would cost companies to put the changes in place.

While telcos already keep phone records for billing purposes, it would cost more to duplicate records of conversations, emails and website browsing.

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